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A Logger instance is used to log messages for an application. Loggers are named, using a hierarchical dot and slash separated namespace.

For example, the logger named is a parent of the logger named Similarly, net is a parent of net/http and an ancestor of net/http/cookiejar

Logger names can be arbitrary strings, however it's recommended that they are based on the package name or struct name of the logged component.

Logging messages will be forwarded to handlers attached to the loggers.

Creating Logger

Logy provides multiple ways of creating a logger. You can either create a new logger with the logy.Get() function, which creates a named logger with the name of the package it is called from:

log := logy.Get()

For example, a logger created in the package would have the name

Alternatively, you can use the logy.Named() function to create a named logger with a specific name:

log := logy.Named("myLogger")

This will create a logger with the given name.

You can also use the logy.Of() method to create a logger for a specific type:

log := logy.Of[http.Client]

This will create a logger with the name net/http.Client.

Invoking the logy.Named() function with the same name or the logy.Get()function in the same package will return always the exact same Logger.

// x and y loggers will be the same
x = logy.Named("foo")
y = logy.Named("foo")

// z and q loggers will be the same
z = logy.Get()
q = logy.Get()